This short blog is going to show you exactly how you can set yourself apart from the other realtors, dominate your market, and get more serious home buyer leads! Establish Yourself As An AuthorityBefore you start trying to get leads, you need to do one thing first! You need to establish yourself as an authority in your industry! Reason is because you want home buyers to go to you for the answer! If they are thinking about buying a home in their area, they need to be thinking about you! .... And ONLY You! In order to do that you need to provide people with value! You need to let them know you know the area, you know the school districts, you know the best locations, and locations to stay away from. You are very much their answer for information and you are the person who knows which location is the best fit for them! You need to run blog articles, video ads that does marketing call outs to target the right audience who are looking to buy a home! An example would be to create a video ad that says: "Are You Currently Looking To Buy a Home? Then Watch This Video..." What will happen then is you will start to build a video audience list of people who are highly potentially looking to buy a home in the area! Then you can retarget that video list to your blogs to consume content revolving around the type of homes they are looking to buy! From there we will build a Website Custom Audience List! Create a Lookalike AudienceNow that you have built a highly potential video view audience of people who are looking to buy a home we can create a lookalike audience of those people so that Facebook can do it's job of finding people who are likely to be wanting to buy a home! Realtor it is very important that we build a lookalike audience of people who watched at least 75% of the video that way it limits our chances of creating an audience of just people who watched a few secs of the video that were just curious as we don't want to target those people. Create Open House Ads!You Targeting is very important when you create these ads, because if your targeting is not correct you could target the wrong people and again be generating expensive clicks and lower quality leads from people who are not looking to buy a home! Your lookalike audience overlapping with an interest/behavior/demographic along with creating the RIGHT Message in your ad will do the trick! Now all you have to do is send them to an appropriate funnel that will help you acquire them as a lead and take them through an application process! We like to use Click Funnels as it's one of the best softwares out there for converting clicks into leads! Click Here If You'd Like To Learn How To Send Your Ad Clicks Through An Application Process!