Facebook Messenger ads are now HOTT. It is "the thing" that if you are not doing you are missing out on! BIG TIME!
They’re the most PERSONAL ad type on the market. Our culture has bred an expectation of instantaneous communication. Whether through text, chat, or just social media in general… when someone sends "you" a message, you FEEL the need to respond in a timely manner (or at least most of us do! :)
I want to take you through my Messenger Bot! This will give you a good understanding on how well you can capitalize on using FB Bots! They are POWERFUL! And Under utilized! Now don't get me wrong, my bot is not at all 100% perfect, as it can always be optimized but so far this is 4 bots that I use!
Welcome Bot
This is an awesome bot! It drives them into a welcome message after they are subscribed to your messenger and you can introduce your brand! It is important to ask them questions therefore you can segment your lists and give them relevant content that is only related to what they want to see!
The Comment Bot
When we run our AIDA content (which is the awareness videos to build brand awareness) we are building a video view list FIRST. Therefore, we can retarget those who watched our videos to our blogs. Now, when we run our video ads we have an option for them to comment on the post if they'd like to get a Free PDF such as a recipe ebook or meal plan.
If they comment on the post our messenger bot goes to work and send them the PDF They requested and asks them a question which puts them into the sequence. The sequence then gives them content and asks them questions which puts them further into our funnel. The TYP Banner Bot
This bot is an important that I use and some of our clients use. It is set up on the "Thank You Page" of our funnels. So that those leads who sign up go through a process and click this bot to claim their Free Gift. This puts them into a sequence that "Keeps the Conversation Flowing until the phone call! Which increases the answer rate, and also desire to sign up!
This bot also is a useful tool because anytime you try to reach out to your leads who are not answering their phone nor email., (not because they are not interested but because life gets in the way) you are able to just about 100% of the time get ahold of them through messenger!
So for example if Bec's signed up from my funnel and is not on my bots list from clicking that button to claim her free gift. If for some reason she is not answering her phone call nor emails I can reach out to her through this message and 9/10 she will see this and reply back within minutes, if not the next day!
the JSON Bot
This is the messenger ad bot. This is another favorite of mine but if used correctly you can acquire messages for as little as cents on the dollar!
The key ingredient to messenger ads is to drive them to a conversation. So this is how I use messenger ads! New Hires!
If I am looking to hire a virtual assistant I can target specific locations and demographics as we usually do with Facebook!, right?!
Then I can push people who are interested in the job to an interview process. The bots does the work for me and does about 90% of the entire interview! Oh yea... Jarvis gets to work and he does my interviews for me. I don't have to do a thing! Pretty cool right! oh hell yea because it saves me time and effort and thus I can work on other things while my bots qualify people! My interview bots asks them a serious of questions, gives them a test to take, and then if they qualify it takes them further into the process. If they are further qualified it sends them a video to watch and gives them an understanding of what the job entitles them to do! Once they qualify I can do the final interview and get a good feel for them and decide to put them on my Yes List! Lead Magnets (Bots Style)
We can send users from Facebook to message our bot to get our lead magnets. Click the image to get this PDF which will __________, so you don't have to _________!
They click the image and we promise them the PDF and we deliver. We can then nurture them with more valuable content and further ask them questions which in turn can push them into a sequence to sign up for our core offer! BAAAAAMMM!!! Just like that!
This is one of my bot ads that is smashing it right now!
When it comes to driving people into conversations, it's is Huge! HUGE! Because it
1. Builds a relationship with them 2. Gives you an understanding of what they are looking for.
You have to look at it this way...
If I was in a room full of people and I didn't ask them anything I just went and brought apples and then the people who do not like apples would not take them from me. They wanted oranges. Right? So if I "asked" them which do they like apples or oranges. And some said oranges and some said apples. I can take the people who wanted apples to their own group and take the people who wanted oranges to their own group. Then I asked the apples guys, "do you like big apples, or small ones, greens or reds" and then they would specific what they wanted and I will go and get "exactly" what they want!
Sometimes the reason why your ads or landing pages are not performing to it's FULL POTENTIAL could be because you are promising apples and on the landing page says okay here are your oranges!
Or worse!!! You are promising apples, and on the landing pages says okay, our oranges are $50 so buy them now! Bonus Bot!!! (VERY NEW)
MSG URLs are very useful! You can see that I can create hyperlinks that can push traffic relevant to my topic to a 1 on 1 conversation that can answer questions people may have! THIS IS POWERFUL!
Click here to learn how to create bots for your business!! |