Location Specific TargetingIf you are looking to take advantage of Facebook the way your competitors are not, then you need to read this blog. I am going to explain in detail how I have been able to acquire higher quality leads for my clients by testing specific locations in their area of their market. leads too far away?Let me tell you first about a problem a client of mine had before he started with us. On our strategy call he discussed that when he ran his ads his leads was too far away. Now, keep in mind the target radius he was targeting was around 4 miles so that is what Facebook was supposedly targeting. What you have to understand is Facebook is not at all perfect and their occasions when leads are father way. So when I took a look at his account I found out something very very strange. His target radius base was actually hitting a major highway. (see below). So what we did was narrow that radius down so that it didn't touch that major highway! As soon as I told them to do that, the leads that started to come in was within the target area that they wanted. They were no longer getting people who were too far away. How To Test Which Areas Convert?For an example if you are running a 28 Day Kickstart, you are going to create a campaign inside of Facebook and lets call it 28 Day Kickstart (todays date). Inside of that you are going to have Ad Sets. These ad sets are your audiences. Whether it is male or female, old or young, or in this case location by location. Ad you can see above, I have created a new campaign and inside of that campaign separated my ad sets by location. I am targeting males only who are above 40 years of age that are busy professionals. This is going to allow me to separate my audiences and see which ones are responding best to my offers. :) Exclude Locations To Get More Defined TargetingI have included the above location set at a 1 mile radius. Always set it at the smallest radius unless your reach will be affected. Select all the locations that you are targeting and then exclude each of them but one. Repeat this for all of your ad sets excluding other locations but including the next one, and so forth. By doing it like this the other audiences should not be conflicted with each other therefore you are able to see specifically which location responds best to your offers. Being Relevant With Your Ad CopyNow that we have gotten our locations selected. I am going to create our ads. It is important in the world of interruption marketing (Facebook Marketing) to be as relevant to the users as possible. The above photo shows a radius based targeting of a neighborhood that is close to the airport. Facebook doesn't like it when we stress body parts. But we have sometimes seen ads like these get approved. As you can see how incredibly relevant the ad copy is to the user. I gave them a street name that is well known to most people in the area. Landmarks and well known street names are awesomely relevant! This is one of the many things you can do with your Facebook marketing. We also would like to test other things such as age groups, demographics, and especially mobile vs desktop! We have seen mobile convert most of the time at the lowest cost but desktop convert at a little bit more higher cost per leads but the leads are more higher quality in most cases. Bonus TipGo ahead and apply this to your campaign and let me know what results you get from it. Then the ad set that converted the best for you "duplicate" that ad set and select desktop only to see how much of a quality lead you get! Use the AIDA Formula To Create Trust, Good Will, & Authority In Your Industry! |