Getting leads or getting a lack of leads is normally due to an increase in your cost per lead. Whether you are running Facebook ads and getting SUPER EXPENSIVE leads or no leads at all this blog will help educate you on the possible reasons so that you can take the necessary actions to fix your campaigns!
So take notes! reason #1: your lctr is too low!
Look at the image below. I am paying an expensive $4.29 per Link Click to get 84 clicks to my landing page. since I am paying $4.29 per link click and it takes me about 5 clicks to get a sign up I am spending about $21 per Lead!!!
This is CRAZY! The CPL is too expensive. So what can I do to fix this and get the Lead cheaper, and get more leads within my restricted budget?
1. The Link Click Through Rate (LCTR) is mainly determined by the Image or Video I am promoting. That image is not attracting my audience so if I change the image to something else I should be able to get my LCTR to about 1%. My ideal goal for this ad set is to get the LCTR to over 1-2% as that should give me a cheaper LCPC (Link Cost Per Click).
You see my LCTR is over 1% for this other ad set. Thus it gives me a LCPC of $1.47 which is better than last time. Thus for 32 clicks I spent $47 to get 32 clicks to get 6 Leads vs the other campaign spending $4.29 per click to get 84 clicks to get 16 leads spending $352. (remember I am averaging 1 lead per 5 clicks).
So if you understand this, change your image and test other variations of images and you will see your LCTR go up and your costs go down! Sometimes you may need to change the copy of the ad, and call to action (CTA) that will help increase your LCTR but the most common reason (most of the time) is the image or video of the ad! reason #2: your funnel needs work!
You see the Landing Page stats at the top? This is showing stats on clickfunnels which is what we use to create our funnels on.
This shows that one of my funnels is converting at about 63%. So that means that out of 10 people that visit my page about 6 of them sign up! If you are not getting a conversion rate on your funnel of at least 15-20% you need to fix your funnel. Whatever you are saying in your funnel, you need to ensure that your CTAs on your button are very specific about what is going to happen next if they give you their details. These are the following things you need to consider fixing on your funnel: - Your headline needs to solve a problem IMMEDIATELY! - Call Out a Market that you want to speak to! - Be sure to give them specific details about what you offer so that there are no questions and they can kindly sign up with a feel of ease. - Be sure to give value on the landing page. (if you don't what makes them trust you?) How about we just do this! You can sign up for my Lead Magnet! It will show you how to create a "Higher Converting Funnel" click to get access! If you are getting clicks, and no one is taking action on the funnel. Be sure to check to see if it works. If it does work, and there is no sign ups. Then optimize the funnel. Make it convert! reason #3: they don't know your brand
You could be also in a competitive market. If this is the case then you need to understand something!
This may be the most important thing I type on this blog. #1. You need to "Build a Relationship" with your audience through Facebook... So that people can get more familiar with your brand, and start coming to you as an authority in your industry. We are not doing this enough! More and More advertisers are filling up the feeds with none sense, and trying to get people to sign up for their services. It makes agencies like ours harder and harder to close clients but... We still get so many organic leads who sign up directly from our website because of one thing! PEOPLE TRUST OUR BRAND! They know we deliver results, and they know that we are all about giving value. This is how you need to set yourself apart from your competitors. You can do this! All you have to do is deliver content to your market, create a rotation of content, and then give as much relevant value to your market as possible to get them to start trusting your brand and signing up for your services! For more important information about how exactly to do this, you should download my AIDA Formula where it teaches you exactly how to do this step by step!