This was a ebook meal plan based ad I did for a client. Notice how the Fans are much more cheaper than the other audience that is interest based. This was a Little Black Dress challenge I did for a the same client. Notice how their Fans are much more cheaper than the external audience as well. This campaign just started. Notice how the leads immediately started to come from the audience that was engaged first with the client's videos. We called them Video view audience. The above is another client's account. Notice the Cost Per lead is $1.12. This was launched to "cold traffic." Cold traffic is an audience who is not familiar with your brand. They are not warmed up by your content yet. So therefore they are cold. The next fit lean we did for them went very well. That is because I told them lets create some engagement based content first. So the client made a recipe green smoothie video, and 5 easy fitness tips video. The women loved it. We also followed it up with a testimonial video from one of their clients. The results gave us .54 cent leads, and 269 leads. We had to pause the campaign as they have gotten too many leads. Here is fit lean campaign I did for another client. Notice how his fit lean is more cheaper than the little black dress... That is because we did a fit lean video engagement first. Nothing fancy, just a cell phone shot video of the owner teaching them how to do a 10 minute at home workout followed with a testimonial video. If you haven't had a chance to get with me on the phone make sure you do by clicking this link right here: If you have already signed up for a consult but have not booked a time with me yet, you can do so by clicking here:
This will help you find a time that can suit us both, since we are likely on different time zones. |