Why Should You Use Healthy Meal Recipes Anyway? After the many pieces of content we have given out to users we have seen healthy meal recipe guides be the absolute best one when it comes to cost, and engagement. This piece of content tends to quickly build your trust and therefore gets them familiar with your brand. Later on down the line you want to give them information about your services and back it up with testimonials from your clients. Then you can start offering programs to your audience. The awesome thing about content is... It tends to always be very cheap. The video views are normally at about 1 cent per view (or some are .004 cent), and the engagements are the same! Start Out With A Green Smoothie VideoClick Here To Download the Green Smoothie Video I suggest doing a video because stats have shown for 2015 that over 67% of users are engaging more on their mobile devices with videos than any other platforms out there. Videos are the most cost effective form of marketing that really warms them up quickly and builds rapport. Theses are some useful tips that will help you when creating your Green Smoothie Video. 1.) Keep the video under 2 minutes It is great to have a long educational video but keep in mind this is one of the first videos they may be seeing from you and they are on their cell phones. We have to consider loading speed, and something that is easy for them and quick! 2.) Show them what you are making You may have a very beautiful face. And like myself love to show your face on camera. But they are watching the video because they want to see how to make this green smoothie. And we have to consider some of them didn't click the video so it may be on autoplay but still on mute. (Facebook keeps videos on mute unless you manually click it) 3.) Don't worry about a call to action yet If we are showing them one of our first videos lets just not ask them to do anything yet. Lets just show them a useful video and keep it at that. Don't worry, we will be able to retarget them later with other videos and then we can slowly ask them to visit our page, or website or anything else. Keep your content, exclusive! Don't ask them to take action every single time you push content out! 4.) Your market may be different I am sharing this because these are the stats we are getting from our client's results. Your results could be totally different so I would strongly advise to "test." Test different types of content, ads images, and see which really gets the best response first! To view an example of an awesome green smoothie video, this was done from a friend of mine Bree at thebettyrocker.com.
Click here to watch her green smoothie video. |