Are you reaping the full benefits of Remarketing on Facebook? You can actually create a well defined strategy for your remarketing if you are not doing so already instead of targeting everyone on the website. In this article you are going to discover how Facebook remarketing can increase your ROI. Effective Facebook remarketing is done by targeting users who have already been to your website at least once, and who are in a specific part of your sales funnel. 1. Lower Your Cost Per Click This ad (above) converted very well because this was targeting people who have already been to our website before. People who were much more familiar with our brand opted in more than people who did not know us quite well. It is very important to post valuable content to your users. They will get familiar with your brand and begin to take you up on your offers as long as it is something they can consume and apply. 2. Capitalize On Social Proof Have you ever heard of the phrase, "don't tell me, show me?" This is it... Above you can see how much social influence this ad gave to the users. It sparked interest! It heated people emotionally. The ad says, "now that I've got your ATTENTION, look at all of the other people who have enjoyed my products... You can too!!!" And that is what happens when you ad gets social proof. Users engage with you and others, and it creates value! 3. Drive Higher Conversions Through Creating Lists Converting first time visitors into buyers takes time. If your industry is competitive, people are more likely to browse multiple sites before completing a purchase with you.
Remarketing to your website visitors who didn’t convert works to remedy those situations. When those visitors see your ad on another site (e.g., Facebook), you become more recognizable, and that increases your chances of them completing that purchase. In the above example you can see I am targeting users who went to two of my blogs and excluding people who have already signed up for one of my services. Remarketing to your website visitors who didn’t convert works to remedy those situations. When those visitors see your ad on another site (e.g., Facebook), you become more recognizable and that boosts your chances of completing the purchase cycle. In the example above, you can see I am targeting people who have been to two of my blogs and excluding users who have already signed up for my services. Remarketing on Facebook is all URL based marketing. So once your pixel is installed in all the pages of your website. You can individually segment pages by their URLs.
Have you tried Facebook’s Website Custom Audience options yet?
Retargeting to the right audience is a MUST if you want to see more conversions from your Facebook ads. In this article you’ll discover five Facebook website custom audiences you can create to retarget your content to the most relevant Facebook audience.
If you need instructions on how where to find Facebook's Retargeting platform here is a show video on where it is located.
Why Use Facebook Retargeting?
People rarely buy from you the first time they visit your site or see an offer. They would rather take their time, compare your pricing with competitors’ and visit your site a few more times before completing that valuable sale. With Facebook's Website Custom Audience, you are able to show ads to people who have visited specific pages on your website, therefore you know completely where they are in your funnel. So people who visited your checkout page are likely that much more closer to converting vs people who only visited the home page.
Here are the 5 Specific ways to take advantage of Facebook's Retargeting.
1. All Website Traffic
Best used for sites less than 10,000 uniques/month
Selecting anyone who visits your website will create a custom audience of users who have visited your website in the last 180 days. Name your audience and hit save.
2. People Who Visit Specific Web Pages
Can be used for sites with any number of uniques/month
You can select 180 days max or any set number of days. Targeting people who visit a specific page such as sales thank you page. That way you can exclude that audience so that people who have already purchased our products before don't have to see your ads to purchase those same products.
Better yet you can also target ads to people who have purchased your products and up-sale them to other offers.
3. People Who Visit Specific Web Pages But Not Others
Can be used for sites with any number of uniques/month
You can already use this feature in the Power Editor. I highly recommend not using it here because inside of the power editor you have more control of what pages you exclude.
4. People Who Haven't Visited In a Certain Amount Of Time
Can be used for sites with any number of uniques/month
Facebook really tries their best in helping us out with reaching potential customers. This unique feature allows us to target users who have been to our website before in the last 6 months, but have not visited our website within a certain timeframe of our choice.
So for example people who have been to my site at least once in the last 6 months but have not been back for 30 days.
5. Custom Combinations
Best used for sites more than 10,000 uniques/month
I do not sell any products to visitors unless they have at least been to 3 of my blogs.
This feature is highly successful because it targets users who visited certain combination of pages on your website. Those people are more likely to take you up on your offers because they are more deeply engaged into your content.
Notice I am excluding people who went to my thank you page. They are users who have already opted in for one of my products or programs. For ecommerce users you can target people who visited certain products and the checkout page. So for example if a user who viewed cameras went to the checkout page. You can retarget that user with the specific camera image that they were viewing with an offer taking them directly back to the checkout page. If this was useful or helpful, Feel free to sign up for our Facebook Retargeting Cheat Sheet. Click Here To Get It |