We did a recent A/B test with one of our clients who is in the Fitness Industry. Landing Page A: This was the first landing page we made for our client from Lead Pages. Content: Talks about them being the New Best Gym of the Year, and Best Community Gym. It carries on into a testimonial video that autoplays and Call To Action (CTA) box has a testimonial text in their. Landing Page B This was the second landing page we made for our clients. Changed background to white and made it a squeeze page. Made the testimonial video a woman instead of a man. Content: This talks primarily about what the offer is. A 7 Day Voucher to Free Personal Training and club access. The sub headline tells them exactly what the next step is, how to take it and what happens when they take it. The CTA text tells them what happens when they click on that button that says "CLAIM THIS OFFER." Keynotes: 1.) The text at the top of the ad is the same as the Call To Action on the Landing Page. 2.) The headline of the Ad is the exact headline of the Landing Page. 3.) The description of the Ad is the sub headline of the Landing Page Notice how we include the city in the ad and in the landing page copy to keep it relevant to the users who live in that area. From this lesson it taught us to, create the landing page FIRST. Then copy the content from the landing page and post it in the ad to keep it as relevant as possible to the user. When the user lands on the page, they are not confused in anyway and it delivers on it's promise of content! Download our High Converting Landing Page Checklist that will show you exactly what you should be putting in your landing pages. This was a Night and Day difference. Conversions sky rocketed to 44%!
The Landing Page has got to be the most important part of the entire process. I would like to say it is the 80% of the funnel while the 20% may be the actual Facebook Ad. Take a look at the Facebook Ad we created below. |