I wanted to share with you something that we did a while back when the right column ads were smaller and much more cheaper. One of our clients has a business where he trains dogs on how to listen to their owner and focus on their commands. Here are the results below...
By changing our image and text we started to talk directly to a particular audience. People who may have or is still experiencing the same thing in the ad, they clicked through.
Therefore.... It nearly TRIPLED click-through-rate and reduced our cost to $2.24 cents per lead. Our client also received far more phone calls from prospects who wanted to know more about his services resulting in a much more lower Cost Per Sale. Our Cost Per Click was also low as well. But the most important thing was we had much more Higher Qualified Clicks. The percentage of people who wanted to sign up increased dramatically. What does this mean for you, and how can you apply this to your business, specifically. I have a challenge for you. Go back to the ad that you created... Pretend that you are a customer. Think really hard and ask yourself, "is this ad sending the right message to the particular small crowd that I want to go to my landing page." If not, I recommend starting from a pain-point. A pain-point is a specific problem your customer is having right now, that your particular business can fix. In the case-study above with the dog owners, their problem was their dogs were a "Nut Case!" They were out of control and very hard to tam. When you send a message to an audience (sometimes that audience is small) you can really pin point and grab ahold of someone who is really interested in what they can learn from your particular services. Your Turn... Leave a comment below and tell me what your message to market is. |