If you are a business owner who is highly reliant on Digital Marketing for customer acquisition - your Facebook Ad Account is one of the most important Digital Assets you may possibly have. One of the biggest problems that you could ever encounter, then, is a disabled Ad Account! Uh-oh!
If this has ever happened to you, or it’s currently happening now, better read on! Below you’ll learn about the usual causes - and most importantly, the next steps you’ll have to take to hopefully get Facebook retract the Ad Account Deactivation! WHY WOULD FACEBOOK DO THIS TO ME???
There are many reasons for facebook to disable your Ad Account.
Among the reasons are:
Failure to Comply to Facebook Advertising Policies
If you’re the type who can accept defeat right off the bat - you can proceed by letting go of the disabled ad account and create a new Business Manager and Ad Account.
Upon creating your new accounts, make sure you connect a secure payment method, and start off advertising small with a Brand Awareness or Post Engagement Campaign. If you’re the type who aggressively wants to restore their account for the important investment you have allocated in it - You can seek help through Facebook Chat Support for an internal review and reevaluation of your appeal/s. HOW CAN I MAKE SURE THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN?
1. Test ads before making duplicates! Wait for ad approval for one ad before proceeding to create more!
2. Study and take to heart the Facebook Advertising Policies! Make sure all advertisers of your ad account are well informed about this. 3. Create a back up ad account. This will ensure that you can still run your ads while you are appealing for reactivation. 5. Only have payment information on the account you’re actively using. Make sure your payment method is valid and useable! 6. Use the Business Manager and stop using your personal ad account. Getting your Facebook Ad Account Disabled is a tough time... but surely whatever Facebook's decision will be - you can get through it!
This blog is written by: Hazel (CPC Ninja Ads Manager/ Team Leader / Facebook Strategist)